Share a YouTube Video on Google My Business

Share your YouTube video on Google My Business to maximize customer engagement, draw attention, boost conversions, and enrich your SEO efforts. Login to your Google account, locate your business, and smoothly add a video to your GMB profile. Remember to keep the video short, under 30 seconds, and the file size below 75 MB to ensure a seamless upload process. Optimize your video content according to Google’s guidelines to enhance visibility. Check the progress in your GMB account and be patient during the upload. Make sure to align with Google’s requirements to effectively showcase your business. Unlock the full potential of GMB by sharing your video now.

Benefits of Sharing Videos on GMB

By incorporating engaging videos into your Google My Business profile, you can significantly boost customer engagement and attract more attention to your business. Video content has the power to captivate potential customers and keep them interested for longer periods, ultimately leading to increased conversions. When you showcase your products, services, and customer testimonials through videos on your Google My Business profile, you create a more immersive experience for visitors, making them more likely to choose your business over competitors.

Moreover, utilizing video content on your Google My Business profile can greatly enhance your Local SEO efforts. Videos not only increase user engagement but also help in boosting your Google rankings. Research shows that businesses with videos on their GMB profiles receive 30% more clicks than those with just photos. So, by consistently sharing compelling videos, you set yourself apart in search results and draw more customers towards your business, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Share a YouTube Video on Google My Business

Steps to Log in to Google Account

To access the full potential of sharing videos on your Google My Business profile, the first step is logging in to your Google account efficiently. Start by visiting the Google homepage and clicking on the ‘Sign In’ button. Once there, enter the email address and password associated with your Google account. It’s crucial to make sure you have the correct login credentials to avoid any issues. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, ensure you have access to your secondary verification method as well.

Once you’ve successfully logged in, navigate to Google My Business to manage your business profile and upload engaging video content. By having a presence on Google My Business, you can reach a wider audience and showcase your services effectively. Remember, logging in is just the beginning of optimizing your profile to attract more customers and grow your business. Stay tuned for the next steps on how to search and locate your business efficiently.

Search and Locate Your Business

When seeking to locate your business profile on Google My Business, utilize the Google app for a seamless search experience. By simply opening the Google app and entering your business name in the search bar, you can easily find your business profile among the search results. Once you locate your business, click on the main photo of your business listing to access your profile details. Within your profile, look for the option to add a photo, where you can also upload a video to enhance your business presence.

Remember to verify that your video meets the requirements of Google My Business, such as the video length being up to 30 seconds and the file size under 75 MB. If your video doesn’t appear immediately on your GMB profile, don’t worry. Check back in a few days to see if it has been successfully added and is visible to your audience.

Searching and locating your business on Google My Business is the first step towards enhancing your online presence and engaging with potential customers.

Adding a Video to GMB Profile

Adding a Video to GMB Profile

Enhance your Google My Business profile by incorporating a captivating video that showcases your business effectively. When adding a video to your GMB profile, remember that it should be no longer than 30 seconds and shouldn’t exceed 75 megabytes in file size.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can prevent any potential rejections and ensure a smooth upload process. To get started, simply select the video you want to share from your computer or phone and upload it directly to your GMB profile.

Throughout the upload, keep an eye on the progress to confirm that it aligns with Google’s requirements for successful sharing. By including a video that resonates with your audience and accurately represents your business, you can create a more engaging and impactful online presence on Google My Business.

Video Requirements for GMB Sharing

Curious about the ideal length and file size for videos on Google My Business? When it comes to sharing videos on Google My Business, it’s crucial to adhere to specific guidelines to ensure optimal viewing and engagement. Your videos should not exceed 30 seconds in length and should be kept under 75 megabytes in file size. By following these requirements, you not only comply with Google’s guidelines but also increase the chances of successful sharing on GMB. Keeping your videos within these limits is essential for optimizing your video content effectively.

To make it easier for you to remember these requirements, take a look at the table below:

Aspect Requirement Importance
Video Length Maximum 30 seconds Keep it concise
File Size Not more than 75 megabytes Optimal for sharing
Compliance Check Ensure adherence to Google's guidelines Follow the rules
Optimization Staying within limits helps in video performance Enhance visibility
Uploading the Video Successfully

Uploading the Video Successfully

For successful video uploads on Google My Business, ensure your video is under 30 seconds in length and doesn’t exceed 75 megabytes in file size. Keeping within these limits increases the likelihood of a smooth upload process onto your Google Business Profile. When selecting the video file from your device, double-check the duration and file size to align with Google’s guidelines. By adhering to these specifications, you pave the way for successful uploads that showcase your business effectively.

Following Google’s recommendations on video length and file size is crucial to prevent any hiccups in the uploading process. By staying within the specified limits, you ensure that your video content meets Google’s criteria for visibility on your Business Profile. Take the time to review Google’s guidelines thoroughly to avoid any potential rejections due to non-compliance with their requirements. Your attention to detail in these aspects will help you share engaging video content seamlessly with your audience.

Monitoring Video Upload Progress

To track the progress of your video upload on Google My Business, regularly check the status after a few days as immediate visibility may not occur. Here are some key tips to monitor your video upload progress effectively:

1. Check Video Status: Keep an eye on the video status in your Google My Business account to ensure it’s processing correctly.

2. Re-upload Video if Needed: If your video is rejected due to length or file size issues, consider re-uploading a modified version that adheres to Google’s guidelines.

3. Be Patient: Understand that the upload process may take some time, so don’t be alarmed if your video doesn’t appear immediately on your GMB profile.

4. Review Length and File Size: Confirm that your video meets Google’s requirements by keeping it within the 30-second limit and ensuring the file size is under 75 MB for a successful upload.


You’ve successfully shared a YouTube video on Google My Business.

Now sit back, relax, and watch those views roll in like a tidal wave of internet fame.

Remember, the more eye-catching and engaging your video is, the more customers will be drawn to your business like moths to a flame.

So keep those cameras rolling and let your business shine bright like a diamond in the digital sea.


Picture of Lenny Rowell

Lenny Rowell

Local Marketing Consultant and Google Business Profile Expert

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