What Should You Post On Your Business Profile?

As a business owner, it’s important to have a strong online presence and a key part of that is your business profile on Google. Your business profile is what appears when someone searches for your business on Google and it’s a great way to showcase your products, services, and overall brand. But what should you post on your business profile? Here are some ideas to get you started:

Product or service highlights

Highlighting your products or services on your business profile is a great way to showcase what you offer and give potential customers a sense of what they can expect when they do business with you. Be sure to include high-quality photos of your products or services, as well as detailed descriptions that highlight the features and benefits. You can also include customer reviews or testimonials to help build trust and credibility.

Behind-the-scenes content

Giving your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business can help humanize your brand and give people a sense of what goes on behind the scenes. This could include photos of your team at work, a tour of your office or production facility, or a sneak peek at new products or services in development. This type of content can help give people a better understanding of your business and what sets it apart from the competition.

Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful marketing tool because they provide social proof that your products or services are effective and that your customers are satisfied. Share positive reviews or testimonials from your customers on your business profile to help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Industry news and updates

Keeping your followers up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your industry is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and position your business as a thought leader. Share articles, blog posts, or other relevant content that will be of interest to your followers and help them stay informed about what’s going on in your industry.

Special offers and promotions

Use your business profile to announce special offers or promotions that you’re running. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website and encourage potential customers to make a purchase. Be sure to include all of the necessary details about the offer, such as the start and end dates, any exclusions or restrictions, and how to redeem the offer.

Company culture

Sharing photos and stories that showcase your company culture can help give people a better understanding of what your business is all about and what sets it apart from the competition. This could include photos of team-building activities, charity events, or other activities that reflect your company’s values and mission. This type of content can help humanize your brand and make it more relatable to your followers.

In conclusion, having a strong presence on your business profile on Google is an important part of building your online presence and attracting new customers. By incorporating a mix of different types of content, such as product or service highlights, behind-the-scenes content, customer testimonials, industry news and updates, special offers and promotions, and company culture, you can create an engaging and compelling profile that will help impact post performance and drive business growth.

Whether you’re a small business owner just starting out or an established company looking to expand your online presence, these post ideas can help you make the most of your business profile on Google.


Picture of Lenny Rowell

Lenny Rowell

Local Marketing Consultant and Google Business Profile Expert

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