Key Benefits of Using a Google Business Profile

For the past two decades, Google has been the number one resource for online information. With millions of people using this search engine to look for products and services, it’s vital that businesses update and optimize their Google Business Profiles. 

Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business (GMB), is one of the tools you can use to promote the visibility of your products or services. The main reason behind its development is to link businesses with local customers. It’s a digital directory that can direct plenty of quality leads to your business. 

Today’s post will focus on 5 benefits of using a Google Business Profile. 

 5 Key Benefits of Using a Google Business Profile 

We are all beneficiaries of Google Business Profiles. Let’s use the following scenario. You have decided to start your weight loss journey, but unfortunately, you don’t have a gym membership. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? 90% of people will take their phones, head to Google, and search for ‘gyms near me’. 

When you enter that search query, Google will provide you with a potential list of gyms located close by, and there will be a mini-map showing the locations of these gyms. From there, all you have to do is identify a suitable option and get in touch with their customer reps. 

This is the exact scenario that happens to your potential customers when you use a Google Business Profile. Thanks to this tool, it will be easy for your clients to find your business online. 

Before we dig deeper into the benefits of using a Google Business Profile, let’s define what it is.

What Is Google Business Profile? 

It’s a free tool that Google offers to business owners. The purpose of a Google Business Profile is to link a business with its potential clients. A company or a startup can manage how their business appears online through the Google Business Profile. 

Why Do You Need a Google Business Profile? 

Considering the high number of searches done on Google daily, having a well-optimized Google Business Profile can provide a steady stream of organic traffic and leads. By making your business more visible, a Google Business Profile enables your brand to reach a wider audience. 

What Are the Benefits of a Google Business Profile? 

So far, you should have identified some of the perks of using a Google Business Profile. However, to prove this tool’s usefulness, here is a comprehensive list of the key benefits a business can get from setting up, managing, and updating its Google Business Profile. 

1. It Gives Your Business to An Opportunity To Appear in the Google Local Map Pack

The Google Local Pack is the list of businesses that appear at the top of search engine result pages when a potential customer searches for a query with local intent. Using the example we mentioned earlier. The top 3 establishments that pop up when you search for ‘gyms near me’ are what we refer to as the local pack. 

Creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile provides you with an opportunity to join the local pack. Don’t get me wrong, this is not an overnight process, but once you are in the top three, your business will get more local traffic and leads. Since businesses on the local pack are also displayed with their locations, you will also notice an increment in-store visits. 

2. It Increases Your Visibility 

A Google Business Profile can increase your brand’s visibility in several ways. For instance, when you are listed in the Google Local Pack, you greatly increase your chances  of being contacted by a customer who uses a keyword that relates to your products or services. Depending on how well-optimized your Google Business Profile is, that can lead to a conversion. 

A Google Business Profile provides your target audience with all information they need at a glance. This includes the location/premises of the business, the working hours, contact info, review ratings, photographs, and other relevant details. These details make it easier for a consumer to make a quick decision. 

3. It Allows Businesses to Collect Reviews 

Online reviews have a powerful impact. Not only do they affect rankings, but they shape the perception people have towards your brand. If you have many positive reviews on your Google Business Profile, that will indicate that you are a credible business offering quality services or products. 

Here are additional benefits of collecting reviews; 

• Reviews Complement Your Local SEO Efforts 

Local SEO aims to improve search engine rankings and increase traffic. Well, Google reviews also provide similar benefits. The modern consumer is heavily dependent on online reviews. Unlike promotions and adverts, which are created by a company, reviews are posted by actual customers who have no affiliation with the business. Therefore, they are more credible. A potential client will trust reviews more than an advert or a promotion.

Local clients will be more inclined to buy your product or service if your business has positive reviews. Also, search engines will reward you with a higher rank. Therefore, reviews can significantly complement your local SEO efforts. As you work on reviews, you should also pay attention to local reputation management. 

• Reviews Boost Sales 

Customers’ purchase decisions are influenced by reviews. Between a product with lots of good reviews and another with only negative ones, which one would you prefer to buy? 

Online reviews are like free ads or recommendations. They help you gain the trust of new clients and, as a result, grow your sales. 

As beneficial as positive reviews are, there are instances when you may get a couple of negative reviews. It’s good to be open to criticism as it can pinpoint weaknesses that need to be remedied. Never ignore negative reviews, as that can affect your reputation. Please work with the affected parties to resolve their complaints. 

• Reviews Give You Insight into Your Customers’ Thoughts 

Your customers are an essential part of your business. It’s vital that all their needs are met. Through Google reviews, you can gain insight into issues related to your product or service that need to be improved, modified, or abolished. This is why you shouldn’t overlook negative reviews. You can learn something important that can help you improve service delivery or product quality. 

4. It Gives You Access to Analytics and Statistics 

One of the most overlooked benefits of a Google Business Profile is the wide range of insights it gives you access to. Using a Google Business Profile, you can learn more about your market, audience, and essential statistics that can assist with the development of effective strategies. 

Here are some performance metrics a Google Business Profile can offer; 

• Calls – In your Google Business dashboard, you are able to monitor how many phone calls you business is receiving over a period of time.

• Messages – Google Business Profiles also allow you to receive and monitor the quantity of messages that your business is receiving. 

• Clicks on Website Links – You can also gain insignt into the number of clicks your website receives from your Google Business Profile.

• Search Queries – A Google Business Profile also gives you a report on search queries people use to find your business. This report lets you optimize your content with the provided search queries or keywords and make your profile more relevant. 

After you are done setting up a Google Business Profile, it’s a good idea always to regularly go through these statistics and analytics. As a result, you can determine whether your marketing campaigns are working. 

5. It’s Free!

Understandably, every business must analyze costs before venturing into any marketing campaign. Google Business Profile is 100% free. You don’t have to part with a single dollar to set up your profile, update and manage it. 

Therefore is one of the best free ways to increase your brand’s visibility and reach your clients quickly. 


Is It Worth Creating a Google Business Profile? 

Plain and simple, consumers frequently click on businesses displayed in the local pack. Without a Google Business Profile, you miss out on lots of local sales opportunities. A Google Business Profile is an ideal tool that allows you to reach out to more clients. By putting your business out there, you are giving your business an opportunity to acquire more traffic, leads, and conversions. Also, a Google Business Profile can help with local SEO. 

What Are the Main Uses of a Google Business Profile? 

Google Business Profiles are mainly designed to help connect businesses with local customers. It’s helps internet users find services or products. A Google Business Profile serves the interests of both clients and businesses. 

Are There Any Drawbacks of Using a Google Business Profile? 

Though beneficial, there are a couple of limitations. For instance, this tool lacks advanced customization features. That’s why all Google Business Profiles have the same layout. But you can make yours more unique by spicing up content. 

How Can You Attract More Clients to Your Google Business Profile? 

First, your website and profile need to be properly optimized. You must use the right keywords, utilize highly descriptive messages about your business, include accurate information, and regularly update the profile. You should also try to acquire lots of positive reviews. These can boost the credibility of your Google Business Profile and bring in more leads. 

If you are interested in learning more about how GMB Marketing Solutions can setup, optimize and manage your Google Business Profile, contact us today.


Picture of Lenny Rowell

Lenny Rowell

Local Marketing Consultant and Google Business Profile Expert

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