How to Add a Manager to Your Google My Business Account

In today’s digital age, where 97% of consumers turn to the internet to find local businesses, managing your online presence is vital. Your Google My Business (GMB) account plays a crucial role in ensuring that potential customers can easily discover and engage with your business. In this article, we’ll not only walk you through the process of adding a manager to your GMB account but also emphasize why this step is essential and how it ties into your overall business strategy.

How to Add a Manager to Your Google My Business Account

Why Google My Business Matters:

Google My Business (now known as Google Business Profile) is more than just a listing. It’s your virtual storefront, the first impression you make on potential customers searching online. According to recent statistics, 97% of consumers turn to the internet when looking for local businesses. This means that your GMB listing is often the first interaction customers have with your brand. It’s your opportunity to make a great impression, showcase your unique offerings, and engage with your audience.

The Impact of Adding a Manager:

Now, you might wonder, why add a manager to your GMB account? Well, think of it as expanding your team’s capabilities. By adding a manager, you empower them to assist in managing your online presence effectively. They can respond to reviews, post updates, and promotions, and ensure your listing is accurate and up-to-date. This delegation of tasks not only saves you time but also ensures that your GMB account is active and engaging—a factor that can significantly impact your visibility in local search results.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Go to

To begin, head over to and log in to your account. Once logged in, select the specific location you’d like to grant user access to. This ensures that you’re focusing on the right area of your business.

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Step 2: Access the Main Menu

In the top left-hand corner of your screen, you’ll find the hamburger menu icon. Click it to access the main menu and navigate to the user management section. Select business profile settings.

Step 3: Select “People and Access” Option

In the main menu, find and select the “people and access” option. This will open up the user management screen, where you can make the necessary changes.

Step 4: Add a User

Take this opportunity to review your user access list. If you find any outdated entries, such as past employees or vendors, you can remove them by clicking on the ‘X’ next to their name or email.

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Step 5: Enter Email and Set Permissions

Now, the critical step: enter the email address of the user you want to add. Choose their access level wisely. Owners can edit, add people, and transfer ownership of the Business Profile on Search and Maps. Managers can make changes to the Business Profile on Google Search and Maps, but do not have the ability to add people or transfer ownership of the business profile.

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Additional Tips:

Review and Cleanup of User Access

Regularly review and clean up your user access list to ensure that only the right individuals have access to your GMB account.

In conclusion, adding a manager to your Google My Business account is a strategic move to enhance your online presence. With 97% of consumers relying on the internet to find local businesses, managing your GMB listing effectively is crucial. By following our step-by-step guide and understanding the roles, you can ensure that your business stands out and engages with your audience in the digital landscape. So, take control of your online presence today, and watch your business thrive!


Picture of Lenny Rowell

Lenny Rowell

Local Marketing Consultant and Google Business Profile Expert

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